Phil Mizuno is a Canadian cosplayer who followed his heart, and is pursuing his passion of cosplay to help inspire others. He has been cosplaying for 4 years, and creates his beautiful costumes in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
Throughout 2018-2019, he has had the privilege to be a cosplay guest at over 50 different conventions, which include Canada, USA, Middle East, Asia, Mexico, Latin America, South America, and Europe.
He has been a judge for the most renowned cosplay competitions in the world, which include WCS, CWM, ECC, ECG, and Yamato Cup.
Phil’s ultimate goal with cosplay is to make people experience the same amazing feeling that he had when he first started cosplaying.
Follow Phil on Social Media
facebook: @philmizuno
instagram: @philmizuno
Twitter: @@phil_mizuno